The Government of Ethiopia has developed a 10 -Year Home-Grown Economy Plan which projects a high energy demand. Consequently, the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) has developed a 10-Year ambitious Energy Projects Development Master Plan (EPDM) to expand its Generation capacity to 17,056 MW from the current 4,515 MW. This will ensure adequate energy for powering planned industrialization/Manufacturing and amenities, and for rural electrification and export to neighboring countries.
The GoE has also focused on aggressive diversification of its energy mix with other forms including wind, solar, and geothermal to complement the large base of hydro resources development that is vulnerable to fluctuations following annual rainfall patterns. A diversified electricity generation mix not only ensures adequacy of supply, but also helps to mitigate against effects of climate change.
To meet energy demand, the GoE has planned to engage private energy developers through PPP legal framework such as (PPP Proclamation No. 1076/2018 and PPP amendment proclamation No.1283/2023.) Since the endorsement of the PPP proclamation, various solar PV and wind projects have been initiated under these frameworks. They are all at different procurement/development stages.
Wind power projects require a minimum of one year prior to procurement/development stages for data collection. Accelerated Wind Power Generation (AWPG) program with Danish Embassy and the World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) was an initiative to enhance data collection and speed up project development. The AWPG program enabled collection of site data from 17 locations resulting in selection of 8 project sites in two years. The site specific wind energy resource assessment reports facilitated timely selection of priority sites. All raw wind data sets and masts installation reports could be Terms of Reference for Wind Measurement and Feasibility Study accessed from the World Bank site
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