About R&D
Research and development (R&D) is a core for companies to gather knowledge to create new products or discover new ways to improve their existing products and services. Taking into account the importance of research and development in the electricity sector and the country’s
socio-economic development, Ethiopian Electric power (EEP) Research and Development Department has been designed to coordinate the research related activities, to the development of
electricity at the corporate level, as well as to carry out the research collaboratively or
About R&D
R&D Vision
To become the company’s research and development hub where major Generation, Transmission, Control system and other supporting units to generate pioneering/innovation research results in a dynamic environment, supporting the socio-economic of the company to assure researchable issues are proactively identified, solutions are seeking through research and studies and outputs are readily shared with end users.
R & D Mission
Providing cutting-edge/innovative engineering knowledge, methods and tools, which leads the company efforts towards a sustainable energy system for customers and stakeholders.
- Playing central role in identifying & organizing contemporary and emerging respectable development issues of the sector,
- Initiate, Coordinate, Monitor, evaluate research undertaking on prioritized issues of the sector, and facilitate implementation of the output,
- Establish links with selected universities and academic institutions, and collect, organize, centralize and disseminate research outputs to potential users,
- Identify appropriate energy technology and facilitate its transfer.
Contact Address
- Addis Ababa, Yeka Sub-City, Woreda 6, Mexico Square, Ethiopian Electric Power Headquarter
- Contact Person: Miraje Fereja (Director, Research and Development)
- Email: mirajefereja41@gmail.com
- Phone: +251911887323
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