Share Of Installed Capacity By Source

hydro 4820.2 MW
4820.2 MW 91%
Wind 404 MW
404 MWnntg 7%
Geothermal 7.3 MW
2500 KW 0.75%
Bio mass 25 MW
2500 KW 1%

Power Generation

Ethiopia has been able to record rapid and continuous growth in the past two decades. The development of electricity has contributed significantly to this economic and social development.

According to the amended Regulation of the Council of Ministers of Ethiopia No. 381/2016 issued to establish the Ethiopian Electric Power, the institution has been given the responsibility of building power plants, power transmission and substation, wholesale of electricity, compliance research, design and survey work.

Adama Wind 1
Gibe 3

Currently, EEP is managing 22 power-generating stations.  Among them, 16 are from hydro, these are Gibe III (1870 M.W), Beles (460 M.W), Gilgel Gibe II (420 MW), Tekeze (300 MW), Gilgel Gibe I (184 MW), Melka Wakena (153 MW), Fincha (134 MW), Amarti Neshe (95 MW), Tis Abay II (73 MW), Koka (43.2 MW), Awash II (32 MW), Awash III (32 MW), Tis Abay I (11.4 MW) Aba Samuel (6.6MW);  Genale Dawa III (254 MW) and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (the two early generation units of 750 MW) generate a total of 4820.2 MW from hydro.

In terms of wind, Adama II (153 MW), Ashgoda (120 MW) and Adama I (51 MW), additionally Ayisha II have been partially completed and started operation with the capacity of 80 MW. The rest is expected from steam geothermal and biomass(waste) reserves.

Installed capacity (MW) of ICS as of 2015 EFY (2022/23 G.C.)

NoPower plantHydroWindGeothermalWasteTotal Generating Capacity (MW)Location
2Tis Abay I11.411.4Amhara
3Awash II3232Oromia
4Awash III3232Oromia
6Meleka Wakena153153Oromia
7Aluto Langano7.37.3Oromia
8Tis Abay II7373Amhara
9Gilgel Gibe I184184Oromia
11Gilgel Gibe II420420SNNP
13Amerti Neshi9797Oromia
15Adama I5151Oromia
16Adama II153153Oromia
17Gilgel Gibe III18701870SNNP
19Rappie Waste2525Addis Abeba
20Genale Dawa254254Oromia
22Ayisha II Wind8080Somalia

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