Call For Research Proposal and Seminars
As the department is mandated to undertake and coordinate the research works, collaboratively or independently, the department frequently announces the research seminars or call for research proposal for internal researchers or external researchers depending on the scope of the research topics/thematic areas. You will find them here with detailed information when they are available. Please follow this webpage if you’re interested to participate on call for research proposals and seminars.
Call for Research Proposals
I. Introduction
The Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP), a public company operating under the law of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is mainly responsible to undertake the construction and operation of power generation, high voltage transmission lines, and substations.
EEP as a public enterprise is mandated by the decree proclaimed under Regulation 203/2013 adopted by the Council of Ministers on December 27, 2013, with the following main objectives:-
- Undertake feasibility studies, design, and survey of electricity generation, transmission, and substations; contract out such activities to consultants as required;
- Undertake electricity generation, transmission, and substations; construction and upgrading to contract out such works to contractors as required;
- Handle electricity generation, transmission, and substations operation and maintenance activities;
- Bulk power sale and leasing power transmission lines.

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