“We hope that the project will solve many problems” residents of ali Keble

“We hope that the project will solve many problems” residents of ali Keble

Residents of Kali Kebele in Sofi woreda said that they believe that the 400 KV substation project to be built in Sofi woreda of Harari region will solve many problems.
Discussions have been held with the local community to start the construction of a 400 KV substation project as part of the Eastern Electric Grid Consolidation Project.
Experts from Ethiopian Electric Power explained to the local residents about the benefits of the project, the compensation process and the job opportunities that will be created for the local community when the project starts.
The development officer of Kali Kebele and chairman of the political sector of Sofi woreda, Abdi Awol, claims that the local residents have been complaining about infrastructure, particularly power.
The plan to build a substation project that solves the problem of Ethiopian electricity is a great opportunity for the local community and the district, he added.
He confirmed that the community is committed to working closely with the organization until the project is started and completed.
Local farmer Mr. Kasim Abdukerim stated his optimism that the project to be constructed in his area will address the issues regarding power and clean drinking water.
Another local farmer, Mrs. Saro Ali, mentioned that it is a tedious routine for women to travel eight kilometers to fetch water because there is no water in her village.
She assured that when the construction commenced, the local community will contribute to the improvement of the project as the EEP project will solve other social problems in addition to power supply when building the project.
Apart from the supply of power, this project, which is expected to be constructed at a distance of 15 kilometers from Harar city, will offer local youth both temporary and permanent employment opportunities.

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